
Sons of Confederate Veterans, Camp #16

Confederate 1907 Census

Transcribed from Lee County Courthouse Records January 1995
by Gene & Edna Ward, Opelika, Alabama,
and posted with their permission and our appreciation.

1. Coleman H. Abernathy Opelika, AL. b. Jul 22, 1842 at Demopolis in Marengo County, AL. Private, August 1861 at Greensboro AL in Co I, 20th AL Inf until 1865. Surrendered at Salisbury, NC under Gen Jos Wheelus [Wheeler].

2. William Alexander Adams Blanton, AL RD 3. b. Sept 25, 1841 at Columbus, GA. Private 13 Dec 1861 at Savannah, GA in Wright's Reg, GA State Troops until 28 Apr 1862. Re-enlisted as Private May 1862 at West Point, GA in Co K, 60th Ala Inf Regt until surrendered at Appomattox, VA Apr 9, 1865.

3. Joel Lockhart Allen Opelika, AL RD 1. b. Jun 7, 1835 near Opelika in Chambers Co now Lee Co. Private Feb 1863 at Columbus, GA. Emery's Battery, Waddell's Bat. Art. until captured at Columbus, GA 16 Apr 1865. Carried to Macon, GA and there paroled. Has parole and some furloughs.

4. James K Ambrose Salem, (Lee Co) AL. b. 9 Nov 1844 Sandersville, (Obine, Co) TN. Private May 1861 at Opelika, AL in Co H, 6th AL Inf Regt until 9 months later when Capt. Waddell was granted the privilege of organizing an artillery Company from the regiment. Re-enlisted as Private in Waddell's Battery at Manassas Junction, VA until captured at Columbus, GA on April 16, 1865 and carried to Macon, GA and there paroled.

5. Phillip Avary Auburn, AL. b. Feb 9, 1864 Cusseta, (Chambers Co) AL. Private 1 Feb 1862 at Montevallo, AL in Co C, 6th AL Cavalry until captured at Blakely, AL April 1865.

6. Robert R Baker Opelika, AL. b. Oct 26 1843 on board boat on then Ohio River in KY or Ohio. Private 19 Jul, 1861 at Montgomery AL in Co F, 13 Regt AL Inf until captured just before Gen. Lee surrendered.

7. William Henry Barker Roanoke, AL. b. Jan 14, 1847 at Roxana, (Lee Co) AL. Private Feb. 1863 at Montgomery, AL Co A, 63rd AL until close of war. Home on sick furlough from Jan 1865. Has his furlough.

8. James R Barronton Blanton, AL RD 3. b. 8 Apr 1846 near Fayetteville, (Fayette Co) GA. Private Feb 1863 at Dalton, GA in Co E, 46th AL Inf. until Sept. 1864 when detailed to serve with Capt. Thomas J. Grizzard enrolling officer until paroled at Macon, GA.

9. Wilbur Marion Bass Opelika, AL. b. 12 Feby 1846 Berlin, (Chambers Co now Lee Co) AL. Private 13 Dec 1861 at Savannah, GA in Capt Huguly's Co, Wright's Brig, GA State Troops until April 28, 1862. When command was disbanded. Re-enlisted as Private Feb 1864 near Bean's Station, TN in Co K, 60th AL Regt Infty, Gracy's Brigade until captured at Petersburg, VA on March 31, 1865. Was in prison at Point Lookout, IL until Jun 16, 1865 when I was paroled. Has parole.

10. Thomas Alford Bean Opelika, AL RD 1. b. Sept 13, 1841 near Newnan, (Coweta) GA. Private Spring of 1862 at Crawford, AL in Emery's Battery, Co A, Waddell's Battalion until surrender at Columbus GA Apr 1865 and carried to Macon, GA and there paroled.

11. Hiram John Beard Opelika, AL. b. 26 Sept 1847 at Hall Co GA. Private 26 Sept 1863 at Demopolis, AL. in Co B, 31st AL Regt until surrender at Salisbury, NC. Served with Pioneers in TN.

12. William H Bedell Waverly, AL RD 2. b. 10 Apr 1839 in Green Co, GA. Private "not remembered date" at Loachapoka, AL in Co D, 46th AL Inf Regt until discharged about 18 months after.

13. Asa Cooper Bennett Cusseta, AL RD 1. b. 23 July 1845 in Russell Co (now Lee Co), AL. Private Feby 1863 at Columbus, GA in Terrell's Artillery until 26 Apr 1865. Surrendered at Greensboro, NC.

14. John F Benton Opelika, AL. b. 14 Oct 1846 at Ft. Mitchell in Russell, Co AL. Private, afterwards Courier, Oct 1863 at Columbus, GA in Co A, Waddell's Battalion Artillery until close of war.

15. Alexander N. Boyd Phenix, AL b. 6 Nov 1850 at Columbus (Muscogee Co) GA. Private May 1864 at Columbus, GA in Whitesides Militia until "few days" House Guard.

16. John Thomas Brooks Opelika, AL. b. July 24, 1837 at Anderson, SC. Private July 1861 at Opelika, AL in Co A Arsenal Battalion. Detailed to shop work as a gun smith and continued to close of war.

17. William Brown Opelika, AL. b. 11 Feb 1843 at Rough & Ready, ( Lee Co.) AL. Private 1863 at Opelika, AL in Capt. Simpson's Co, AL Regt. Wounded at Chickamauga, TN. Paroled at Columbus, GA Apr 1865.

18. Cicero Henry Buchanon Phenix, AL. b. 12 Aug 1848 in Zebulon (Pike Co) GA. Private on ________ at Columbus, GA Co D, Arsenal Battalion until close of war at Columbus, GA with Home Guards.

19. John Noah R Burk Opelika, AL. b. 13 Dec 1838 Pittsboro, (Chatham) NC. Private Nov 1861 at Dudleyville in Co D, First AL Cavalry until paroled at Greensboro, NC at close of war about May 1, 1865.

20. Joseph Wm Burk Opelika, AL. b. 6 Mar 1843 at Pittsboro, (Chatham) NC. Private Aug 1862 at Camp Watts in Notasulga, AL. Engineers Corps, 2nd Regt Tenn Vol. until discharged at Meridian, MS May 1865.

21. John Wesley Burkes Phenix, AL. b. Mar 28, 1846 near Long Cane, (Troup Co) GA. Private Spring 1863 near Atlanta, GA. Co E, 2nd GA State Troops until close of war. Wounded at Griswoldville, GA.

22. Robert Wilton Burton Auburn, AL. b. Feb 29, 1848 at St. Mary, (Camden Co) GA. Private March 1865 at Montgomery in Private Co detached from 6th Cavy as escort to Brig Gen Clanton. Paroled May 6, 1865 at Vicksburg, MS.

23. Joseph Q Burton Opelika, AL. b. Oct 31, 1842 at St. Marys, (Camden Co) GA. Private 9 Jul 1861 at Warrenton, FL in Co A, 7th AL Regt until 22 Mar 1862 when mustered out at Corinth, MS. Re-enlisted as Private April 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co I, 47th AL until Aug 15, 1862 then elected Lieut Co H, 47th AL, promoted to Capt in Co H, 47th AL in Nov 1862 and remained in command until surrender April 9, 1865 at Appomattox, VA. Has original muster roll of Co H and parole from Appomattox.

24. Ez Butler Salem, AL. b. Mch 8, 1835 in Edgefield Dist, SC. Private Feby 1862 at Columbus, GA. in Dawson Artillery until close of war at Greensboro, NC.

25. Charles Byrd Opelika, AL. b. 15 Jun 1838 at Covington, (Newton Co) GA. Private Apr 8, 1862 at Opelika, AL in Co F, 45th AL Inf Regt. Captured 28 Dec 1864 at Egypt Station, MS. Was imprisoned at Alton, IL and paroled June 1865.

26. Edwin Valdevia Caldwell Auburn, AL. b. Jul 14, 1845 Harpersville, (Shelby Co) AL. Private Spring 1861 at Harpersville, AL in Co I, 18th AL until wounded and discharged at Battle of Shiloh. Re-enlisted as Private at Chickamauga in 51st AL Cav until about 1 year, till made one of Gen Whellus' [Wheeler's] Scouts and sent to Texas. Surrendered and paroled at Talladega by Genl Christian.

27. Daniel Wesly Capps Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. Sep 20, 1846 in Beat 7 of Lee Co, AL. Private Feb 1864 at Dalton, GA in Co B, 45th AL Inf, until close of war. Has furlough.

28. James Tally Capps Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. May 23, 1839 at Opelika, (Lee Co) AL. Private Feb 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 37th AL Inf Regt until close of war. Ward Master at Marshall Hospital in Columbus, GA.

29. Moses W Carden Opelika, AL. b. Nov 19, 1840 in Roan Co., TN. Private 22 Jul 1861 in Roan Co., TN in Co I, 26th TN Regt until Feby 1862. Wounded at Battle Ft. Donaldson. Re-enlisted 2nd Lieut 18 Oct 1862 Knoxville, TN in Co I, 26th TN until Sept 1864 in command and wounded at Chickamauga 19 Sept then Provost Marshall at Opelika Sept 24, 1864 until close of war.

30. George W Cherry Opelika AL. b. Jul 17, 1831 at Houston Co., GA. 1st Sergeant on 22 Feb 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co B, 45th AL Inf until close of war. Promoted to Capt Co B. Paroled at West Point.

· 29 1/2 Lewis H Cantelou Opelika AL. b. 19 May 1841 Upson Co., GA. Private 17 Mar 1861 at Sandy Ridge, AL in Co K, 1st AL Inf until about 3 months then sick and discharged. Re-enlisted as Private, Summer 1861 in AL Co E, 6th AL Inf. until close of war. Wounded at Cedar Run, VA. Sent home on furlough. Unable for service afterward. Paroled at Montgomery, AL.

· 30 1/2 Thomas "Harrison" Clower Opelika, AL. b. Nov 6, 1842 near Ellerslie, (Harris Co) GA. Private May 1861 at Tuskegee, AL in Co F 12th AL Regt Infty until close of war. Captured when Petersburg, VA fell. Was imprisoned at Newport News until July 4, 1865 when paroled. Was in most of the battles from 1861 to 1865 with the Army of N. VA. The last 2 years of the war was First Lieut. of the Co. and was such until close of war. Was in command of the company at the Battle of Chancellorsville and also at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Note: Pages 29 1/2 and 30 1/2 are full pages added into this book.

31. James Nicholas Cole Opelika, AL. RD 2. b. 24 Aug 1832 near Ft. Valley, (Houston Co) GA. Private Spring 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 37th AL Infty Regt until 6 months before close of war when was transferred to Co B, 45th AL, Capt. Cherry's Co. Remained in 45th AL till close of war.

32. John Wesly Coleman Salem, AL. b. 28 Aug 1832 in Chambers Co, AL. Private Apr 9, 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co D, 47th AL Infty Regt until 9th day April 1865 at Appomattox, VA. Was commissioned Lieut 1863.

33. Walter Collins Opelika, AL. b. Nov 8, 1828 Madison, (Morgan Co) GA. Private Jan 1862 (promoted 2 Lieut Mar 1, 1862) at Auburn, AL Co D, 37th AL Regt Inf. Discharged in Dec 1862 on account of ill health. Re-enlisted as Private in Sept 1864 at Mobile, AL in Co D, 37th AL until close of war. In hospital at Stone Mountain, GA. when discharged.

Note: Joshua C Condon see number 232.

James I Copeland see number 233

34. Willis C Cox Opelika, AL. RD 4. b. Sep 20, 1848 at Macon Co., AL. Private Aug 1, 1863 at West Point, GA in Co D, 6th AL Cavalry. Paroled May 8, 1865 at Montgomery, AL.

35. John Turner Crawford Auburn, AL. b. Dec 28, 1845 at Cotton Valley (Macon Co) AL. Private Spring 1864 at Camp Watts, AL in Co H, 61st AL Regt until 9 April 1865 at Appomattox.

36. Benjamin Franklin Crittenden Notasulga, AL. b. Jul 15, 1831 at Belove, (Talbot Co) GA. Private June 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co F, 46th AL Inf. Was transferred to Co G, 34th AL in June 1864 till close of war.

37. Thomas A Culbreath Loachapoka, AL. b. 27 Jan 1828 Appling, (Columbia Co) GA. Private June 1862 in Loachapoka, AL in Co F, 46th AL Infty until 6 months substituted from Vicksburg. Re-enlisted 2nd Lieut in State Svc, at Dadeville, AL in Perry's Co, Gray's Brigade till close of war.

38. Mack Cullars Opelika, AL. b. Mar 2, 1825 Lincolnton, (Lincoln Co) GA. Private about May 1863 at Macon, GA. Co B, Benow's Batn until surrender at Greensboro, NC.

39. Milton Taylor Culver Auburn, AL. b. May 28, 1847 Culverston, (Hancock Co) GA. Private March 1862 at Sparta, GA. Co A, Stephens Legion till 6 months. Re- enlisted Dec 1862 in Macon, GA. 1st GA. Reserves till close of war at Macon, GA. Courier for Jos E Johnson for 2 years. Has his discharge.

40. John W Darnell Loachapoka, AL. (Does not know his age.) b. Baldwin Co, GA. Private 4 Jul 1862 at Notasulga, AL in Co A, 45th AL Infty Regt until detailed with about 102 others to hunt up deserters and others wrongfully away from their command.

41. Henry L Daughtry Opelika, AL. b. Apr 22, 1835 in Northampton, NC. Commissioned by General Beauregard May 1864 at Charleston, SC to run the Federal Blockade and to send in to supply the army with such [artickles] as the army needed.

42. Eli Fountain Davidson Phenix, AL RT 1. b. 16 Nov 1845 Summerville, (Russell Co) AL. Private July 1863 at Columbus, GA in Co A, Jenkins' Regiment till January 1864. Detailed as wool carder at Clapp's Factory till close of war.

43. John L N Davis Opelika, AL. b. Sept 13, 1837 at Hallifax Co, VA. Private April 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co I, 37th AL Reg Infty until Oct 1862. Discharged at Ripley, MS.

44. Joseph Washington Dawson Auburn, AL. b. Jany 13, 1838 at Thomaston, (Upson Co) GA, Private July 1861 at Auburn, AL in Co A, 14th AL until close of war. Paroled at Macon, GA. Has parole.

45. Washington J Day Auburn, AL. b. Feb 22, 1845 at Edgefield Dist., SC. Private Mar 1862 at Tuskegee, AL in Co G, 54 AL Regt till surrender in NC.

46. George W Doles Phenix, AL. b. 26 Jul 1840 at Columbus, (Muscogee Co) GA. Private 20 Apr 1861 at Columbus, GA. in City Light Guards, 2nd GA Batn. until May 5, 1865 at Appomattox. Has company roll.

47. John I Dorsey Opelika, AL. b. 9 Jul 1847 at Wacoochee Valley, (Russell Co now Lee Co) AL. Private about May 1, 1864 at Marietta, GA. in Co A, GA Military Inst. Cadets Batn. until same fall - then detailed and put in commissary dept under Capt Dowd at Opelika, AL. Paroled at Columbus, GA about May 1865. Has roster of GA Military Inst of members who went into Confederate Service.

48. Algernon George Dowdell Opelika, AL. b. 19 Apr 1843 at Greenville, (Meriwether Co) GA. Private April 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 37th AL Infty. Put in Hospital Service under Dr. J W Oslin, Chief Surgeon, 37th AL Regt as general ward master when he was paroled April 1865.

49. Benj LaFayette Dyer Opelika, AL. b. 6 Oct 1835 at Carrolton, GA. Private 19 Jul 1861 at Houston, (Harris Co) TX. in Bayou City Guards, Co A, 5th Texas Inf until wounded and leg amputated Sept 16, 1862 at Sharpsburg, MD. Captured and exchanged at City Point, VA Feby 1863. Honorably discharged by order of War Dept at my own request Nov 18, 1863. Has complete roster of Co A, 5th Texas Infty.

50. David W Eckles Salem, AL. RD 1. b. 19 Jun 1847 near West Point in Chambers Co, AL. Private August 1864 at Opelika, AL. in Capt Guery's Home Guards until Feby 1865. Re-enlisted as Private on March 1, 1865 at Columbus in Waddell's Artillery until surrender of Confederate forces.

51. Benj Watkins Edmonds Phenix, AL. b. Dec 12, 1836 at Tuscaloosa, AL. Private 1862 in 34th AL until captured at Missionary Ridge and confined Rock Island, IL 18 months.

52. Lemuel Washington Edwards Phenix, AL. b. Sep 13, 1842 near Macon, (Jones Co) GA. Private May 9, 1862 at Columbus, GA. in Co F, 3 Battalion Hilliaror[Hilliard's] Legion until close of war. Paroled at Columbus, GA.

· 52 1/2 Isham Edwards Auburn, AL. RD 2. b. Dec 4, 1847 near Talbotton, (Talbot Co) GA. Private August 1864 at Camp Watts, AL. State Troops. Transferred to county as a reserve. Re-enlisted Private Sept 1864 at Loachapoka, AL county Reserves, Capt. Miles Vaughan Co. A until April 1865. Disbanded at Tuskegee.

53. Jesse Ellington Gold Hill, AL. b. Aug 21, 1840 Social Circle, (Walton Co) GA. Private Mch 1862 at Roanoke, AL Co I, 47th AL until close of war. Captured and paroled from Macon, GA.

54. James Harvy Erwin Opelika, AL. b. Nov 2, 1828 near Pulaski, (Giles Co) TN. Private 29 April 1862 at Loachapoka, AL. Co K, 34th AL Regt Inf until May 2, 1862 when he was transferred to Government service on the Montgomery and West Point RR at West Point, GA and remained in such service until the end of the war.

55. Richard Howard Fallaw Opelika, AL. b. Jan 4, 1850 at Columbia, SC. Private April 1865 at Tuskegee, AL, Capt Jas F. Park (does not remember Co Militia) for about 6 weeks until surrender.

56. John Cuthbert Farley Opelika, AL. b. Jul 21, 1846 near LaFayette, (Chambers Co) AL. Private April 28, 1864 LaFayette, AL in Co A, 10 Confederate Cavalry Wheeles [Wheeler's] Corps until end of war. Anderson's Brigade, Kelly's Div.

57. Benj Blanton Fincher Opelika, AL. b. Jun 13, 1834 LaGrange, (Troup Co) GA. Private May 2, 1862 Loachapoka, AL in Co D, 47th AL Infty Regt until close of war. Discharged at Greenville, GA.

58. Augustus Clay Finley Opelika, AL. b. Jan 22, 1846 Marion Co, GA. Cpl July 8, 1864 West Point, GA. Co C, 6th Ala Cav'y.

59. Thomas Adam Flanagan Auburn, AL. b. Oct 6, 1844 at Auburn, (Lee Co) AL. Private Spring 1862 at Auburn, AL. Co D, 37th AL Infty until Oct 1862 detailed to Gov't work at Columbus, GA.

60. Zabud Fletcher Opelika, AL. b. Aug 3, 1842 Mt. Jefferson, (Chambers Co) AL. Private March 1862 at Opelika, AL Co B, 45th AL until close of war. Wounded and captured at Perryville, KY. Released from Camp Douglas. Exchanged Jamestown, VA 1863. Joined regiment near Murfreesboro in July. Was captured again in July 1864 at Peachtree Creek, Atlanta. Carried to prison at Camp Douglas, IL. Imprisoned until June 1865. Paroled at Camp Douglas, June 1865.

61. Richard C. Floyd Salem, AL. b. Sept 2, 1847 Salem, (Lee Co) AL. Private 1st April 1865 Opelika, AL. Merons (?) MS, Art., until close of war Macon, MS.

62. Zachariah T Floyd Opelika, AL. b. Mar 26, 1847 Chambers Co., AL. Private May 1864 West Point, GA. Co A, 14 AL until surrender at Appomattox, VA.

63. James W Floyd Opelika, AL. RD 1. b. 21 May 1844 near Beulah, (Chambers Co) AL. Private 1861 at Auburn, AL Co A, 14 AL Infty Regt until end of war 1865.

64. Taylor Floyd Cusseta, AL RR 1. b. May 31, 1847 near Cusseta, (Chambers Co) AL. Private Feb 1, 1864 Opelika, AL Co A, 14 AL until Sept 1, 1864. Discharged at Richmond, Howard Grove Hospital, sick. Re-enlisted Private Dec. 24, 1864 at West Point, GA. in Co E, 6th Ala Cav until May 1865 at Union Springs, AL. Has discharge and parole.

65. Robert S Floyd Opelika, AL. b. May 30, 1840 at Cusseta, (Chambers Co) AL. 3rd Lieut Spring 1862 Loachapoka, AL in Co A 14 AL Infty. Wounded at Seven Pines Battle in VA. Carried home wounded and resigned. Served as Private in Capt William Wallace's Co of Home Guards about Cusseta. Sent to West Point, GA.

66. James Douglas Foster Auburn, AL. b. 19 Sep 1844 Monroe, (Ashtabula Co) Ohio. Private Capt Keys Co Winter 1863. Salem, AL. Co H, 28th GA. Btn. Inf. until Fall 1864. Was captured at Rossville, GA. sent to Camp Douglas and kept until about end of war.

67. Arthur Frazer Opelika, AL. b. 26 Nov 1843 near Ellerslie, (Harris Co) GA. Private July 1861 Ft. Mitchell, AL Co A, 15 AL Inftry Regt until close of war at Appomattox C.H., VA. Was wounded at Knoxville, TN while under Genl Longstreet.

68. John A Frazer Smith Station (Lee Co) AL. b. July 3, 1829 near Washington, (Wilkes Co) GA. Private on or about March 1862 at Calhoun, GA. Co I, 3rd GA Cavalry until about 1 year. Put in substitute and returned to service about 6 months. Re-enlisted as Private about Sept 1863 at Columbus, GA in Cuton's Cavalry until close of war. Was promoted to Lieut and Capt of Svc near Columbus, GA. Oath of Allegiance.

69. William B. Frazer Auburn, AL. b. 8 Jul 1844 Lincoln Co, GA 4th Segt, then 1st Segt, then 2nd Lieut, 15 Feb 1862 at Pensacola, FL Co H, 1st AL Regt until 8 Jul 1864 when wounded near Atlanta. At home on furlough until discharged Jan 1865. Has copy of Co. Muster Roll of Dec 1863.

70. William K Frederick Opelika, AL. b. Kenansville, (Duplin Co) NC. (Will not give his age.) Private August 1864 at Columbus, GA. Co B, Bonard's Battalion Infty until end of War. Was at home wounded at time of surrender.

71. Jacob Anderson Fussell Phenix, AL. b. Jan 6, 1839 Cusseta, (Chattahoochee Co) GA. Private Feby 1862 at Columbus, GA. Co G, 9th GA Bat Art until close of war at Appomattox.

72. John Robert Garner Gold Hill, AL. b. Sep 8, 1842 Upson Co, GA. Private Aug 2, 1861 Ft. Mitchell, AL. Co A, 15 AL Until close of war at Appomattox.

73. Mark L Gilbert Waverly, AL. b. Mar 3, 1842 Crawford, (Russell Co) AL. Private July 1861 Camp Watts, Notasulga, AL. Co E, 46 AL until close of war at Columbus, GA.

74. Augustus M Green Opelika, AL RD 5. b. Feb 12, 1838 Russell Co, AL. Private June 1861 at Columbus, GA. Co E, 12th GA Regt. Paroled at close of war. Mar. elected Segt and elected 2nd Lieut.

75. Rinaldo McKeen Greene Opelika, AL. b. 12 Aug 1837 Pamonia, (Leon Co) FL. Private 20 Aug 1861 at Opelika, AL Co C, 6th AL until close of war at Appomattox Apr 1865. Re-enlisted Lieut in Spring 1862 at Yorktown 6th Regt AL Vol, Co C until April 1865. When at the close of the war he was paroled. Re-enlisted First Lieut reorganizer, Yorktown Co C, 6th AL Regt until paroled in April 1865. Was promoted to the rank of Capt after Battle of Seven Pines where Augustus L Flournoy was killed. Was seriously wounded at Boonsborough, slightly wounded at Wilderness and Winchester. No papers except letters written to wife in 62, 63, 64, and 65.

76. Monroe Green Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. May 18, 1835 Talbot Co, GA. Artisan May 1862. Crawford, AL, Co A, Waddell's Artillery until close of war.

77. Oscar D Grout Auburn, AL. b. Nov 1, 1844 Chehaw, (Macon Co) AL. Drum Major Oct 1862 Auburn, AL Co D, 37 AL Inf until close of war.

78. Jeremiah Adolphus Guy Opelika, AL. b. 26 Jul 1834 at Talbotton, (Talbot Co) GA . Private April 10, 1862 at Salem, AL Co K, 34 AL Regt until captured at Missionary Ridge Nov 1863. Imprisoned at Camp Merton till 12 Jun 1865

79. Harrison W Hagerman Opelika, AL. b. 12 Jun 1836 near Lincolnton, (Lincoln Co) GA. Private then Wagon Master April 1862 at Salem, AL Co K, 34 AL Infty Regt until April 1865. Paroled at Macon, GA.

80. William Henry Hagerman Opelika, AL. b. 10 Apr 1841 Lincoln Co., GA. Private Feb. 1862 at Talbotton, GA. Co. I, 46 GA. Regt until transferred to Co. K 34 AL May 1862. Discharged at High Point, NC. at Surrender. Was promoted to Segt Major Co. K, 34 AL. Has commission of promotion.

81. Leving Jackson Haines Smiths Station, AL. b. May 4, 1839 Muscogee Co., GA. Private Apr. 22,1862 Columbus, GA. Co. E 46 Regt GA. Vol. until May 1865 near Greensboro, SC. Paroled

82. John T. Hammack Waverly, AL. RD 2. b. 23 Jany 1850 near Eufaula, (Barbour Co) AL. Rmks: Was Private in Company of House Guards at Fort Browder, Barbour County, AL for about 2 years.

83. Robert S. Hammack Opelika, AL. RD 4. b. Nov 28, 1838 Wilkes Co., GA. Private 28 Sept 1861 at Memphis, TN Co. I, 38th TN Regt Infy until discharged March 1862, Sick. Entered Hospital service July 1863.

84. John C. Hanson Opelika AL. b. May 16, 1841 Milltown, (Randolph Co) AL. Private Feby 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co. H 1st AL Regt. Art. until close of war. wounded & captured at Port Hudson, LA. Discharged at Augusta, GA.

85. Alexander L. Harris Phenix, AL b. Jun 25, 1845 Crawford, (Russell Co) AL. Private 1st July 1863 at Crawford, AL. in Co E, 45th AL Regt until close of war. Paroled. Has his parole.

86. James Thomas Harris Salem, AL. RD 2. b. May 4, 1847 5 miles N of Crawford, (Russell Co) AL. Private May 1864 at Notasulga, AL in Co C, 62 AL Regt. Captured at Spanish Fort and carried to Ship Island. Sent to Meridian, MS. where was paroled. Has parole.

87. John T. Harris Opelika AL. b. April 4, 1834 LaGrange, (Troup Co) GA. Private Apr 1862 at Greenville, AL. Capt West Cavalry, don't remember Co. or Regt. until close of war at Montgomery, AL.

88. George Paul Harrison 2d Opelika, AL. b. March 1841 Monteith, (Chatham Co) GA. 2d Lieut 1st GA Regulars Jan 1861 at Savannah, GA until transferred to State duty Adj Gen'l on Staff of Gen'l Geo. P. Harrison, 1st with 1st Brigade GA State Troops in Oct. at Savannah, GA. until March 1862 when this regiment was mustered out of service having extended only for six months. Elected Colonel March 1862 at Savannah, GA. of 32d Regt. GA. Vol. until surrender of the Army of the Tennessee at Greensboro, NC. April 26, 1865. (Rmks) Was Brigadier Genl, Comd'g Army of TN; at the close of the war. Was paroled on 26 April 1865, with the surrender of Johnson's Army. Has few orders and Muster Roll Co I, 32 GA Vol and correspondence etc.

89. Michael W. Harvey Auburn, AL. b. 19 May 1839 at Society Hill, (Russell Co) AL. Private Apr 1861 at Augusta, GA in Co A 4th GA Vols until discharged Sept 16 at Norfolk, VA. Re-enlisted Private Oct 1861 Camp Jackson Co A, 4th GA Vols until discharged Aug 1862 in Virginia. Re-enlisted Private Jany 1862 near Richmond, Co A 4th GA Vols until close of war.

90. Wm Handerson Haynie Auburn, AL. b. March 23 1840 Troup Co., GA. Private Fall 1864 at Tallapoosa Co, AL in A. Texas Cavalry Co until close of war.

91. George Asberry Hays Phenix City, AL. b. 2 Sept 1845 Carsonville, (Taylor Co) GA. Private Sept 1863 at Columbus, GA in Co A Wadell's Artillery until Wilson's Raid came to Columbus, GA. Was captured and paroled at Macon, GA on Apr 16, 1865.

92. Andrew J. Hearn Smith Station, AL. b. 1835 Upson Co, GA. Private Apr 1863 Near Salem, AL Co K, 34th AL until wounded at Atlanta, GA 22 July 1864. Furloughed and at home when war closed.

93. Bass H. Hearn Smith Station, AL. RD 1. b. July 11, 1845 near Smiths Station, (Lee Co) AL. Private Feby 1864 at Mobile, AL in Co. G. 62, AL. Captured at Blakely, AL May 1865. Paroled at Vicksburg, MS May 15.

94. Mallory Lamar Henly Opelika, AL. b. 30 Jany 1839 at Clayton, (Rabun Co) GA. Private 5 April 1861 at Hendersonville, NC in Co I, 6th Infty Regt, Col S D Lee Sr. First Seven Pines Battle until re-enlisted as below. Re-enlisted 1st Lieut in Sep after Gettysburg at Winchester, VA in Co G, 35th NC Regt until Battle of Drurys Bluff and then was Captain of the Company until surrendered at Appomattox, VA April 9, 1865.

95. Joseph Steward Hood Smiths Station, AL. b. Aug 15 1835 Monroe Co., GA. Private April 1862 at Mobile AL in Co E, 23 AL. Continued until close of war, sick furlough from Jonesboro, GA.

96. James C Hopkins Salem, AL. RD 1. b. 17 July 1842 at Franklin, Macon, AL. Private (later, Com'p Segt) 17 July 1861 at Elba, AL in Co A. 18, AL Infty until May 1865. Surrendered at Meridian, MS.

97. Irvin David Houser Opelika, AL. b. 31 July 1826 at Dutch Bend, (Autauga Co) AL. Private when Clanton was making up Regt at Montgomery, AL in the Col. Clanton Regt Cavalry until he could get a substitute which he did and was mustered out of Capt Henry Livingston's Company. Joined Capt Clemmon's Co of Lowndes County AL and served 8 weeks at Mobile in State defense and afterwards served in same service under same Captain 7 weeks at Pollard, AL in Alabama Home Guards.

98. John Henry Howard Salem, AL. RD 3. b. July 4, 1836 at Whitesville, (Harris Co) GA. Private May 2, 1861 at Crawford, AL in Co A. 6th AL Regt until 17 July 1861. Imprisoned in Washington, DC, 4 months and 19 days. Re-enlisted as Private May 1862 at Columbus, GA in the Waddell's Bat'n Arty until close of war at Columbus, GA.

99. Archibald H Howell Phenix, AL. b. Jan 13, 1827 at Lancaster, (Lancaster Co) SC. Private Aug 14, 1861 at Columbus, GA in Co F. 17 GA Regt until close of war. Discharged at Appomattox, VA, Same service in Mexican War.

100. William E Henderson Opelika, AL. b. Dec 30, 1843 at Berlin, (Chambers Co) AL. Private in April 1862 (made 4th Sgt in 1864) at West Point, GA in Co C, Hilliard's 1st AL Batn, Legion Winter of '63 and '64. Captured at Hatcher's Run, VA Mch. 3, 1865. Then consolidated and made 60th AL Regt. Paroled at Lookout, MD. June 1865.

101. Thomas Parker Hudmon Opelika, AL. b. 3 Sept 1845 at Berlin, (Chambers Co) AL. Private Nov 1863 at Chickamauga, GA. in Co K, 60th AL Regt Infty until end of war. Was wounded at Petersburg, VA. Paroled at West Point, GA in May 1865.

102. Benj Franklin Hudson Phenix City, AL. b. 19 Nov 1848 at Perry, (Houston Co) GA. Private 26 Oct 1864 at Perry, GA in Co A Haris (?) Artillery until close of war. Paroled at Danville, VA.

103. Felix T. Hudson Auburn, AL. b. Nov 18 1845 near Roanoke, (Randolph Co) AL. Corporal Spring 1861 At Auburn, AL in Co F, 14 AL until Spring of 1863. Discharged at Richmond. Re-enlisted as Courier in Spring 1863 at Dalton, GA. in Co A, 10th Confederate Cavalry until close of war. Paroled near Charlotte, NC. Acted as Orderly for Cols T J Judge & Baine. Has parole.

104. Charles B. Huguley Auburn, AL. b. Aug 24 1846 (Muscogee Co), GA. Private Nov 1864 at Dalton, GA in Co A, 53 Cavalry until surrender at Augusta, GA.

105. Joel D. Huling Salem, AL. b. 20 Feby 1847 at Farmville, (Lee Co) AL. Private (date not remembered) 1863 at Atlanta, GA in Co I, 9th GA Militia in Confederate Service until paroled at close of war. Engaged in Battles around Atlanta. Was wounded at Griswald, GA.

106. James Nicholas Hutchinson Opelika, AL. b. June 17, 1842 at West Point, (Harris Co) GA. Private Sept 1861 at Hamilton, GA in Co H, 17 GA Regt until wounded at Chickamauga on 20 Sept 1863. Reported for duty the following year and being physically unfit for field service was detailed as private service to Chief Surgeon of Hospital at Richmond, VA where I was serving till close of the war.

107. Robert J Ingram Opelika, AL. b. 26 May 1831 at Thomaston, (Upson Co) GA. Private March 1862 at Opelika, AL in Co F, 45th AL Infty Regt until about 18 months later when was transferred to the Engineers Corps Tennessee Army. Surrendered at Woodstock, GA with Davis' escort. Has his discharge.

108. Fletcher M Jackson Opelika, AL. b. April 19, 1846 in Barbour Co., AL. Private in Fall 1863 at Hammocks Landing, FL in Co B 28th GA Batn until discharged at Greensboro, NC at close of war. Promoted to Corporal after Johns' Island Savannah, GA.

109. Wm Joseph James Salem, AL. b. Nov 8, 1835 at Iredell (?), NC. Private April 1861 at West Point, GA. in Co K, 8th Confederate Volunteers. Re-enlisted as 1st Segt April 1862 in the Gen'l W.W. Eiland escort. Captured in TN 8 Jan 1865.

110. Mark C Johnson Opelika, AL. b. Jan 2, 1844 at Hamilton, (Harris Co) GA. Private Mch 1862 at Opelika, AL in Co B, 45th AL Regt until close of war. Was at home on wounded furlough. Surrendered at Beritonville, NC.

111. Robert Yancey Jones Opelika, AL. b. 11th April 1832 at Madison, (Rockingham Co) NC. Macon Muster on May or June 1861 at Atlanta, GA in 9th Regt GA infantry until Fall after 1st Battle of Manassas. Had Typhoid fever and discharged. Re-enlisted as Adjutant in Fall of 1861 at Atlanta, GA in 3rd Regt, GA State Troops until the end of the six months for which said troops were enlisted and discharged. Re-enlisted a Sergeant, then 1st Sergeant, in Spring 1862 at LaGrange, GA in the Ferrell's Battery until surrendered at West Point, GA. (AL) Was in command of section as Lieut for last 18 months of the war. Ferrell's Battery was attached the Gen Forrest's Command before Battle of Murfreesboro. I was in command of 14 men of Ferrell's Battery at Battle of Fort Tyler West Point, GA on April 16th 1865. Was paroled at Macon, GA about 20 April 1865. I lost one man - killed at Fort Tyler. Robert Hamlin of AL. We used muskets there.

112. Henry C Jones Salem, AL. RD 3. b. 19 May 1844 at Pike Co., GA. Private in April 1862 at Columbus, GA in Co B, Waddell Batn Artillery. Surrendered at Columbus, GA.

113. Thomas Alexander Jones Auburn, AL. b. July 25 1838 at (Chambers Co), AL. Private, 9 Apr 1862, at Loachapoka, AL in Co D, 47th AL Regt. Surrendered at Appomattox, VA April 9, 1865.

114. Nathan Thos J Jones Phenix, AL. b. Oct 15 1840 on Flint River, (Upson Co) GA. Private 18 Aug 1862, at Thomaston, GA. in Co D, 13th GA Vol until close of the war.

115. David Lewis Jones Phenix, AL. b. June 27, 1844 at (Putnam Co), GA. Private July 7, 1861, at Hamilton, GA in Co K, 35 GA Vol. In prison Point Lookout, MD. Captured March 27, 1865. Paroled June 1865

116. Wm Carter Jones Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. April 24, 1845 near Salem, (Russell Co) AL. Private April 15, 1863, at Columbus, GA. in Co A, Jaque's Battalion, Columbus Guards until April 17, 1865. Captured and paroled at Macon, GA. April 28, 1865.

117. William J. Jones Phenix, AL. b. Aug 19, 1833 at (Jones Co), GA. Private April 16, 1861, at Lumpkin, GA in Co E, 31st GA Regt until captured at Harrisburg, VA in '64 and paroled at surrender.

Note: Thomas L Kennedy see number 234

118. John Sanford Kimbrough Phenix, AL. b. Jan 13 1842 at LaGrange, (Troup Co) GA. Private June 9, 1861 at Cartersville, GA in Co K, 14 GA Vol until 9 Apr 1865. Paroled.

119. George Kenney Opelika, AL. b. Aug 14 1838 at Port Neuf, Canada. Private Jan 2 1862 at Eufaula, AL in Kolb's Battery Artillery. Paroled at Columbus, GA Apr 26 1865.

120. Jasper Stephens Knight Waverly, AL. b. April 1, 1846 at Hillsboro, (Jasper Co) GA. Private Feby 1864 at Montgomery, AL in Co A, 63 AL Regt until Nov 1864. Promoted to Segt Major then transferred to Co G, 37th AL as private. Surrendered and paroled at Greensboro, NC May 1865.

121. Benjamin P Leseuer Opelika, AL. b. Jan'y 26, 1841 at Bones Ferry, (Monroe Co) GA. Private June 20, 1861 at Georgetown, GA. in Co I, 11th GA Regt Vol until Apr. 1865. Captured at Appomattox, VA and paroled on 10 April 1865.

122. Robert H. Lindsey Opelika, AL. b. Aug 3, 1847 at Hamburg, SC. Private on April 26, 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co D, 47th AL until surrender. Paroled at Charlotte, NC.

123. David Grant Lindsey Opelika, AL. b. July 28 1838 at (Henry Co), GA. Private on March 20, 1861 at Montgomery, AL In Co F, 1st AL Regt until in South Carolina. Re-enlisted 2nd Sergeant Jan '62 at Pensacola, FL in Co A, 1st AL until close of war.

124. John H. Littleton Salem, AL. RD 1. b. March 27, 1847 at Barnesville, (Monroe Co) GA. Private about April 1863 at Crawford, AL in Co B, Hollinguest's Regt until Wilson's Raid then paroled at Columbus, GA. First joined Home Guards known as "Sporting Force" at Columbus, GA.

125. Jas Jasper Littleton Salem, AL. RD 1. b. 24 June 1843 at (Pike Co), GA. Private on June 1861 at Columbus, GA in Co C, Ross Battalion until Sept disbanded. Re-enlisted as Private Sept 1861 at Atlanta, GA in Co C, 9th GA Bat Art until Feby 1865 at Richmond, VA. Discharged.

126. James Ward Lockhart Opelika, AL. b. Aug 9 1845 at Opelika, (Russell Co) AL. Private in Summer 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co B, 45th AL Regt until transferred to Co D, 37 AL then to 42 AL. Afterward the two consolidated then continued till close. Paroled at Charlotte, NC.

127. Henry J. Loyd Phenix, AL. b. 8 May 1840 (Muscogee Co), GA. Private in 1865 at Taylor Co . in Capt Ficklin's Co. until close of war.

128. Benj' A U McConnell Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. Oct 15, 1839 near Phenix City, (Russell Co) AL. Private in April 1862 at Chattanooga, TN in Co K, 34 AL Regt. Captured at Glasgow, KY in Oct 1862. Exchanged and continued in service till surrender.

129. William D. McCullough Opelika, AL. b. 25 Dec 1843 near Hamilton, (Harris Co) GA. Private April 1862 at Savannah, GA in Co A, 12th GA Infty. Discharged about two years later. Reported to Camp Watts and was discharged again. Paroled at Montgomery, AL May 1865.

130. Calvin Homer McCulloh Blanton, AL. RD 3. b. July 24, 1843 at Beulah, (Chambers Co) AL. 2nd Sergt Dec 13, 1861 at Berlin, AL. in Co C, 10th GA Regt, Col Wright until 28 April 1862. Re-enlisted as Private on May 1, 1862 at West Point in Co K, 60th AL, 1st in Hilliard's Legion until Aug 1862. Discharged at Knoxville, TN. Re-enlisted as Private in Jany 1863 at Savannah, GA in Dawson Artillery until 6 weeks. Discharged at Savannah Dec 1864. Re-enlisted in 6th AL, Clanton's Brigade till 4th May 1865. Paroled at Gainesville, AL. Served with State Troops at West Point and Pollard during 1864.

131. Hiram Augustus McCulloh Opelika, AL. b. July 12, 1840 at (Harris Co), GA. Private March 1861 at Charleston, SC in Fargerson's Light Artillery until close of war at Columbus, GA.

Note: Leonidus J M McGehee see number 235.

132. Pinckney H McGinty Cusseta, AL. RD 1 b. July 6, 1839 near Langdale, (Chambers Co) AL. Private on Apr 7, 1862 at Yorktown, VA in Co A, 14 AL Regt until Apr 6, 1865. Captured near High Bridge, VA. Carried to prison at New Port News, VA and released 2 July 1865. Participated in 21 battles from Yorktown to wind up of war outside the siege of Petersburg.

133. William W McKinney Salem, AL. RD 2. b. don't remember. Dalton, GA. Private Winter 1864. Dalton, GA. Co I, 5th GA. Wounded at Charleston, SC and discharged.

134. Solomon E McKennie Opelika, AL. RD 1B. b. Apr 20, 1836 near Opelika, (Lee Co) AL. Private May 1862 at Opelika, AL, Co F, 45 AL until close of war at Greensboro, NC.

135. George W McKennon Salem, AL. RD 1. b. 30 Aug 1842 at Opelika, (Lee Co) AL. Private July 1861 at Auburn, AL, Co K, 12 AL until close of war. Captured and in prison 6 months. Has parole and furlough.

136. Wiley E McLendon Opelika, AL. RD 5. b. 10 Jun 1843 at Roanoke, (Randolph Co) AL. Private 5 May 1862 at Yorktown, VA in Co B, 13 AL until close of war. Imprisoned at Point Lookout then Elmira, NY. Released June 19, 1865.

137. Nathaniel Gordon Macon Cusseta, AL. RD 1. b. 20 April 1831 near Hamilton, (Harris Co) GA. Private April 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co F, 46 AL Infty Regt until about August 1863 when discharged as unable to walk. Joined Alabama State Militia at Camp Watts near Notasulga, AL about 1st Dec 1864. Went to Mobile and Montgomery.

138. John Maddox Waverly, AL. b. Oct 8, 1837 at Waverly, (Chambers Co) AL. Private May 13, 1862 at West Point, GA. in Co K, AL until Feby 63. Hired substitute who served till close of war. Served with State Troops about Opelika for 6 months.

139. George W Mathews Opelika, AL RD 2B. b. Jan 3, 1838 at Harris County, GA. Private April 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 45 AL Regt. Surrendered, captured, and paroled at Macon, GA.

140. John W May Opelika, AL. b. May 6, 1833 near LaGrange, (Harris Co) GA. Private Spring 1861 at Montgomery, AL in Hilliard's Legion and continued until transferred to Capt Hendrix Co, 43 Regt. Discharged at Atlanta, GA.

141. Richard May Auburn, AL. b. Oct 1, 1830 at Green Co., GA. Private May 1862 at Opelika, AL in Co F. 45 AL. Surrendered at Greensboro, NC.

142. Charles Washington Mayberry Waverly, AL. b. June 8, 1827 in Illinois. Private Feby 1864 at Opelika, AL in Capt McDonald's Co, Home Guards until close of war at Notasulga, AL.

143. George W Meadows Salem, AL. b. March 28, 1842 near Salem, (Chambers Co) AL. Private May 1861 at Cusseta, AL in Co A, 14 AL until close of war at Appomattox.

144. Daniel P Meadows Salem, AL. RD 2. b. Sep 8, 1846 in Chambers Co., AL. Private 1864 at Pollard, AL. in Co. C, 2nd AL Reserves, Cutwin (?) 63rd Regt until close of war. Captured and imprisoned at Ship Island. Paroled at Meridian, MS. Has roll of Co C, 63rd AL.

145. Thomas J Mills Phenix, AL. b. Mar 12, 1832 at Heighlog, (Montgomery Co) AL. Private June 15, 1861 at Fort Mitchell, AL in Co B, 15 (?) AL until close of war at Appomattox.

146. Alex Campbell Milford Opelika, AL RD 1. b. Nov 4, 1834 in Anderson Co, SC. Private 1862 at Liberty, AL in Co K, 34 AL Regt and continued 4 months. Re-enlisted as Private in Nov 1864 at Opelika, AL in Co F, 8th AL Cav'y until close of war at Columbus.

147. John Monk Smiths Station, AL RD 1. b. Nov 16, 1834 in Harris Co, GA. Private May 1862 at Opelika, AL in Co ?, 1st Batn, Hilliard's Legion until close of war. Captured near Atlanta. Discharged from Camp Douglas, IL.

148. Burnett Moore Loachapoka, AL b. May 12, 1845 at Crawfordville, (Talliaferro Co) GA. Private July 4 1861 at Rome, GA in Co K, 38 TN until close of war. Surrendered at Greensboro, NC.

149. Edward Morse Phenix, AL. b. "Don't know" at Charleston, SC. Private on 28 Jany 1865 at James Island, SC in Co B, (don't remember Regiment) until wounded at James Island. In hospital till close of war.

150. Samuel L Mullin Smiths, AL. b. Dec 11 1838 at (Muscogee Co) GA. Private in Spring 1862 at Columbus, GA in Hilliard's Legion until close of war.

151. James F Murphy Salem, AL. RD 3. b. Aug 27, 1849 at Rome, (Tallapoosa Co) AL. Private Aug 1864 at Rome, AL. Capt Snoden's, (don't remember Co or Regt) until close of war at Camp Watts at Notasulga, AL.

152. Henry Clay Murphy Opelika, AL. RD 1. b. Jan 24, 1845 near Opelika, (Lee Co.) AL. Private in March 1862 at Salem, AL in Co K, 34 AL Regt. Surrendered in North Georgia.

153. Abraham Nathan Opelika, AL. b. "Spring" 1834 in Germany. Private on April 28, 1861 at Richmomd, VA in Co E, 6th GA Infty Regt to end of war.

154. James T Newman Phenix, AL. b. April 5, 1844 near Tallasee, (Tallapoosa Co) AL. Private May 15, 1862 at Notasulga AL in Co E, 34 AL until close of war at Greenville, AL.

155. William Newton Cusseta, AL. RD 1. b. Nov 1829 at Fayetteville, (Fayette Co) GA. Private on Oct 1862 at Berlin, AL in Croft's Artillery until surrendered at Greensboro, NC on April 26, 1865.

156. John Thomas Nix Phenix, AL. b. July 24, 1844 at (Tallapoosa Co) AL. Private in Fall of 1862 at Columbus, GA. in Co F, 5th GA until paroled 1865.

157. William J. Norrell Gold Hill, AL. b. Oct 20 1840 at (Abbeville Co) SC. Private in Spring 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co D, 47 AL Regt till close of war. In prison at Point Lookout, MD. Paroled.

158. Ambrose A Norris Phenix, AL. b. March 8, 1832 at Laurens Dist, SC. Private in 1863 at "TN" in the "Mo Battery" 2 months -- sick.

159. George W Norwood Gold Hill, AL. b. May 17, 1842 at Oak Bowery, (Chambers Co) AL. Private in July 1861 at Auburn, AL in Co A, 14th AL. Lost Arm at Gains Mill, VA in July 1862. Discharged August 1862.

160. Robert D Nunn Loachapoka, AL. b. Nov 10, 1843 at Auburn, (Lee Co) AL. Private in April 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 37th AL until discharged in Aug 1862. Re-enlisted as Private in Nov 1863 at Loachapoka AL in Co H, 1st AL until close of war.

161. John H. Orr Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. Jan 6, 1847 at (Stewart Co) GA. Private Sept 20 1863 at Crawford, AL in Co B, Waddell's Arty until close of war at Columbus, GA.

162. Joseph Green Ousley Opelika, AL. b. Jan 29, 1846 at Opelika, (Lee Co) AL. Private in Autumn 1864 at Opelika, AL in Co G, Home Guards until close of war. Discharged, does not remember regiment. Did not go into active service.

163. John Randolph Page Phenix, AL. b. Dec 12, 1836, 8 miles west of LaFayette, (Chambers Co) AL. Private April 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co K, 34 AL. Wounded at Atlanta, lost arm 22 July 1864.

164. Jonathan Peach Salem, AL. b. July 30, 1832 at (Jackson Co), GA. Private on Aug 11, 1862 at Salem, AL in Co K, 34th AL. Surrendered at High Point, NC on 26 April 1865. Worked 14 months with volunteers, Lieut John Coalton in charge.

165. Henry Thomas Peed Salem, AL. b. Sep 19, 1847 At (Talbot Co), GA. Private June 1864 at Richmond, VA in Co E, 9th GA until close of war at Appomattox.

166. Thomas L Penn Opelika, AL. b. Sept 12, 1831 at (Oglethorpe Co), GA. 1st Lieut in April 1861 at Cusseta, AL in Co G, 37 AL until about 6 months. Discharged at Columbus, MS, sick.

167. Pennington Lamar Peters Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. Feb 1, 1831, at (Wilkes Co) GA. Private March 11, 1862 at Columbus, GA in Co K, 35 GA until shot at 2nd Battle of Manassas in August 1862.

168. Beaufort Griffin Peterson Opelika, AL. b. May 30, 1845 at (Russell Co) (now Lee Co) AL. Private in July 1863 at Chattanooga, TN in Co K, 34 AL Vol until paroled at Washington, GA.

169. Leroy Plymell Opelika, AL. b 1838 near Monticello, (Jasper Co) GA. Private in March 1862 near Cusseta, GA in Co C, 10th GA Infty Regt. Wounded at Chancellorsville Battle (thigh broken). Saw no more service.

170. Francis Marion Pope Opelika, AL. b. 29 Oct 1839 near Tallassee, (Tallapoosa Co) AL. 4th Corporal on 14 July 1861 at Montgomery, AL in Co F, 13 AL Infty Regt. Captured at Battle of Gettysburg and sent to Fort Delaware till end of war then paroled.

171. Abel Robinson Powell Opelika, AL. RD 1. b. Feb 29, 1828 at (Butts Co) GA. 2nd Sergeant on May 4, 1862 at Beulah, AL in Co E, 46th AL until close of war. Wounded and in hospital at Charlotte, NC. Has furlough.

172. Francis G H Powledge Opelika, AL. b. June 3, 1831 at Talbotton, (Talbot Co) GA. Private (after Hospital Steward) on 15 July 1861 in Americus, GA in Co A, 12th GA Infty, Col Ed Johnson until 9 April 1865. Afterwards Chaplain of 12th GA Regt.

173. Benjamin F Prince Salem, AL. RD 2. b. 20 Jul 1843 near Crawford, (Russell Co) AL. Private on 14 Feb 1862 at Crawford, AL in Waddell's Battery until 4th July 1863. Surrendered at Vicksburg, MS. There paroled July 11 and exchanged in Sept 1864. Re-enlisted as Private in Sept 1864 at Columbus, GA in Co B, Waddell's Bat'n Artillery until the surrender of Confederate Armies by oath of allegiance.

174. James T Puckett Opelika, AL. b. 26 Mar 1836 at (Hallifax Co) VA. Private in Jany or Feb 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 37 AL Infty Regt. Was captured at Siege of Vicksburg, MS 4 July 1863. Surrendered at Greensboro, NC April 1865.

175. John Wm Putnam Phenix, AL. b. 14 Jan 1844 at (Muscogee Co) GA. Private "Don't remember." Joined at Columbus, GA in Von Zerikin's Co. Worked in government shop till close of war.

176. Benjamin Ray Blanton, AL. RD 3. b. Aug 15, 1827 at Greenville Dist, SC. Private in May 1862 at Atlanta, GA in Co C, 1st GA Regt. until Jonesboro, GA fight. Captured and imprisoned at Camp Douglas, Chicago till surrender.

177. Andrew Hamil Read Opelika, AL. b. Dec 27, 1836 at Columbus, (Muscogee Co) GA. Asst. Surgeon in May 1862 Atlanta, GA. hospital service till '63. In the 64 GA Regt until close of war. Paroled at Appomattox, VA.

178. Hiram W Riddle Salem, AL. RD 1. b. 9 Dec 1836 near Camden, (Kershaw Co) SC. Private on 2 Feby 1862 at Opelika, AL in Co F, 45th AL Infty until 3 months later was transferred to Co B, 45th AL. and he had a brother in Co B. Remained until 16 Dec 1864 at Nashville TN where captured and sent to Camp Douglas. Released in June 1865.

179. Columbus J Riddle Opelika, AL. RD 6. b. Jan 4, 1829 at Camden, (Kershaw Co) SC. Private in June 1862 at Auburn, AL. in Co F, 45 AL until close of war.

180. John Thomas Riddle Opelika, AL. RD 6 b. June 7, 1830 at Camden, (Kershaw Co) SC. Private in Jun 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co F, 45th AL until close of war. Paroled at Forsyth, GA.

181. Joel A Riley Salem, AL. RD 2. b. Dec 17, 1846 at Notasulga, (Macon Co) AL. Private in Aug 1863 at Montgomery, AL in Co C, 63 AL Regt until close of war. Paroled from Meridan, MS in May 1865. Served with Provost Guard at Columbus in 1862. Has parole.

182. Lloyd Robertson Opelika, AL. b. 12 Nov 1836 at LaGrange, (Troup Co) GA. Private in Spring 1861 at LaFayette, AL in Co I, 37 AL. Put in substitute at Columbus, MS in Fall of 1861.

183. William Carlisle Robinson Opelika, AL. b. 27 Nov 1839 near LaFayette, (Chambers Co) AL. Lieut in Jany 1862 at Opelika, AL. in Co I, 47th AL continued about 9 months. Resigned on account of sickness. Re-enlisted as Private in Aug 1864 at West Point, GA in Capt Wallace's command until Jan 1865. Disbanded at West Point. Has commission and discharge.

184. Jesse Berryman Robinson Waverly, AL. RT 2. b. 14 Dec 1845 at Milltown, (Chambers Co) AL. Private in Spring 1863 in Tennessee in Co K, 8th Confederate Regt until wounded at Akin, SC in 1865 and sent home.

185. Marcus D Rome Opelika, AL. b. Jany 1, 1838 near Whitesville, (Harris Co) GA. 2nd Lieut in July 27, 1861 at Whitesville, GA in Co E, 20th Regt GA Infty until about August 1861 at Richmond, VA when resigned and then came home and organized a Cavalry Co. Re-enlisted as private in Winter 1861 at Whitesville, GA in Co D, 3 GA Cavalry until about 13 months later when put in substitute and did not go to army any more. Wounded at Battle of Murfreesboro, TN with 3rd GA Cav'y.

186. William D Rowell Loachapoka, AL. b. Dec 7, 1828 13 miles south of Montgomery, (Lowndes Co) AL. Private on April 22, 1862 at Loachapoka, AL in Co F, 46 AL until Sept 1862. Re-enlisted as Private Sept 1863 at West Point GA, Gary's Batallion, State Troops until close of war.

187. Humphrey D Royal Opelika, AL. RD 3. b. Oct 23, 1832 at Harpers Ferry, (Abbeville Co) SC. Private (later 2nd Master Segt) in May 1862 at Opelika, AL in Co B, 45 AL Infty till the end of the war. Was in every engagement with said Regt from Shiloh to the end of the war.

188. Henry Jordan Scott Phenix, AL. b. June 20, 1847 at White Sulphur Springs, (Meriwether Co) GA. Private in Nov 1864 at Opelika, AL in Capt Marion's Art Co. RR Guard duty at Selma and Montgomery. Surrendered at Columbus, GA. Served with Home Guard at Opelika and Montgomery.

189. Thos Endors Sharman Blanton, AL. RD 3. b. March 1, 1841 at (Meriwether Co) GA. Private in May 1861 at Crawford, AL in Co F, or I (?), 6th AL until surrender. Captured April 2 at Petersburg, VA.

190. Charles William Shearer Opelika, AL. b. 24 Nov 1833 at Newnan, (Coweta Co) GA. 3rd Lieut (after 1st Lieut) on 22 March 1862, at Salem, AL in Co K, 34 AL Infty Regt until close of war. Was at home [invalided] at close. Paroled at West Point, GA.

191. Wm H Shipman Opelika, AL. RD 4. b. 5th Dec 1840 near Americus, (Sumter Co) GA. Private on 16 April 1861 at Loachapoka, AL in Co B. 6th AL Infty Regt until 9 Apr 1865 at Appomattox, VA, where he was paroled and discharged from the army. Has writings by himself of his recollections of engagements in which he was an actor.

192. Charles J Smith Blanton, AL. RD 3. b. March 23, 1840 (Gasden), Florida. Private on March 22, 1862 at Beulah, AL in Co E, 4th AL until captured at Nashville Dec 16, 1864. In prison 6 months. Released from prison 12 June 1865.

193. Williamson Ervin Smith Opelika, AL. b. Sept 18, 1840 at Abbeville, (Henry Co) AL. Private in 1862 at Homer, LA in Co H, 31st LA Regt. until captured at Vicksburg, MS. Re-enlisted as Corporal in Aug 1863 at Salem, AL in Artillery Co, T J Key Capt until Ocean Point, FL fight. Was then transferred to the 28, GA Battalion and served till close of war.

194. Henry Sprattling Opelika, AL. RD 4. b. 7 Feby 1847 at Oak Bowery, (Chambers Co) AL. Private in Nov 1862 at Columbus, GA in Co B, 27 GA Btn Infty until June 1863 when the command disbanded. I joined Co B 8th Confederate Cavalry, Anderson's Brigade, Kelly Div, Wheeler's Corps.

195. Benj F Stripling Salem, AL. RD 1. b. Dec 1, 1844 at Upatoi, (Muscogee Co) GA. Private in Sept 1861 at Columbus, GA in Co K, 35th GA Regt. Captured April 6, 1865 near Petersburg and released from prison June 17, 1865. Detailed from Co K to Battalion of Sharpshooters.

196. James Leroy Stroud Gold Hill, AL. b. July 7, 1842 at Yatesville, (Upson Co) GA. 1st Sergeant May 1862 at Montgomery, AL in Co L, 6th AL until paroled at Charlotte, NC at the close of the war. Wounded at Gettysburg. Detailed by Sec'y War Special Services at Richmond, VA.

197. James Mark Stroud Phenix, AL. b. 14 Oct 1828 Covington, (Newton Co) GA. Private July 1862 at Camp Watts, AL. "Don't know company name." Served until hired a substitute in July 1863.

198. David J Taylor Opelika, AL. b. January 10, 1844 7 miles South of Opelika, (Lee Co, then Macon Co) AL. 2nd Segt then 1st Segt on Aug 1861 in Auburn, AL Co K, 12th AL Regt Inft until for two years. Wounded severely at Seven Pines Battle. Saw no more service except in Home Guards. Served in Home Guards after being wounded.

199. Charles P D Taylor Opelika, AL. b. Jun 15, 1840 Early County, GA. Private Sept 13, 1861 at Montgomery, AL in Co B, 23 AL until captured at Union Springs 7th June 1865. Paroled at Union Springs.

200. Micajar Thomas Waverly, AL. RD 3. b. July 31, 1840 Gold Hill, (Chambers Co then) AL. Private Feby 1861 at Loachapoka, AL in Co H, 1st AL until close of war. Captured and furloughed from Richmond few days before surrender. Has parole.

201. James M Thompson Auburn, AL. b. 14 Jan'y 1845 Harris County, GA. Private April 1863 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 45 Regt AL Infty. Discharged at LaGrange, GA April ?, 1865. Never wounded.

202. James Franklin Tillery Salem, AL. RD 3. b. Dec 24, 1847 Mechanicsville, (Lee Co) AL. Private Feby 1863 at Columbus, GA. in Maj. Jacques' Battalion until surrender at Columbus, GA.

203. William B Tucker Opelika, AL. b. 11 Nov 1846 near Covington, (Newton Co) GA. Was member of Capt T J Stephens Co of Chambers Co, AL Home Guards under Col Greer. Was called out by Colonel immediately after "Russaw's Raid."

204. Geo Washington Tucker Opelika, AL RD 3. b. March 22, 1847 County of Elbert, GA. Private Jan'y 1865 at Columbus, GA in Co C, 67th AL Regt until close of war. Imprisoned at Ship Island.

205. Wm Miles Vaughn Waverly, AL. b. Oct 31, 1842 Chehaw, (Macon Co) AL. Private July 1861 at Notasulga, AL in Co G, 1st AL Cavy till June 1862. Discharged at Tupelo, MS. sickness. Re-enlisted Private Feb'y 1863 at Montgomery, AL in Co K, 1st AL. Captured at Selma, AL by Wilson's Raiders and kept in prison till close of war.

206. John Wesley Wallace Opelika, AL. b. 9 May 1848 near Cusseta, (Chambers Co, now Lee Co) AL. Private Spring 1864 at West Point, GA in Co C, 6th AL Cav'y until the close of war in April 1865. Paroled near West Point, GA April 1865.

207. Washington M Wallace Cusseta, AL. RD 1. b. Oct 18, 1837 near Cusseta, (Chambers Co) AL. Private Spring 1862 or 1863 at Loachapoka, AL in Co A, 34 AL. Captured Dec 1864 at Nashville, TN. Discharged at Camp Chase, Ohio 1865, 12 June. Has release given by Yankee officer.

208. William Jefferson Warde Loachapoka, AL. b. 25 Dec 1827 County of Upson GA. Private April 1862 at Montgomery, AL in Co A, 10th Confederate Cav'y until close of war.

209. John T Ware Opelika, AL. b. 25 Dec 1840 near Rome, (Floyd Co) GA. Private April 1862 at Atlanta, GA. in Co K, GA Regt Infty until fall 1862 when discharged and went into Qr Masters Dept in Atlanta and then in Augusta till surrender.

210. James Watkins Opelika, AL RD 1. b. April 27, 1827 near Montberry, SC. Private Feb 11, 1862 at Columbus, GA in Capt. Croft's Co Artillery until 2 months and then put on detail at Columbus, GA and stayed till close of war. Has detail papers.

211. Joseph E Westcott Opelika, AL. b. Feb'y 20, 1828 Providence, RI. Private Spring 1863 at Mobile, AL in Co B, 56th AL Cav until close of war near Atlanta.

212. James M Whatley Sr Auburn, AL. RD 2. b. 9 May 1843 near Oak Bowery, (Chambers Co) AL. Private April 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 37 Ala Infty Regt until close at Greensboro, NC. Co D and Co E were consolidated later. Has discharge given him at Greensboro, NC.

213. Edmon Jackson Wheeles Notasulga, AL. RD 3. b. Mch 8, 1846 at Loachapoka, (Lee Co) AL. Private Jan 10, 1863 at Montgomery, AL in Co H, 63 AL Regt. Captured April 9, 1865. Sent to Ship Island. Exchanged at Vicksburg. Paroled at Meridian, MS on May 11, 1865. Has parole.

214. John A White Salem, AL. RD 1. b. April 3, 1843 at Salem, (Then Russell Co) AL. Private April 1861 at Crawford, AL in Co K, 6th AL until 1863. Discharged at Richmond, VA. Re-enlisted as Private Fall 1863 at Troy, AL in Co D, 6th Cavalry until close of War at Gainesville, AL. Promoted to Segt Master 1863.

215. William Jesse White Smith Station, AL. b. Oct 21, 1838 near Mechanicsville, (Russell Co, now Lee Co) AL. Private August 1862 at Salem, AL in Co K, 34th AL Infty Regt until surrender of Johnson's Army at Greensboro, NC.

216. Joseph White Opelika, AL. b. Feby 22 1836 Houston Co, GA. Private March 10, 1862 at Columbus, GA in Co B, 20th GA Regt until April 1865 at Appomattox, VA. Has parole and pay roll.

217. Pleatus O Whitaker Auburn, AL. b. June 12, 1841 Franklin, (Heard Co) GA. Private 1 Feb'y 1862 at Newnan, GA in Co D, Phillip's Legion until lost eye Nov. 1862 near Charleston, SC. Re-enlisted Private Quarter Master Dept April 1864 at Grantville, GA. Continued in Quarter Master Dept till close of war.

218. Thomas Kass Whitmon Auburn, AL. b. June 13, 1846 Lowndsboro, (Lownds Co) AL. Private Feby 1864 at Talladega, AL in Co B, Lewis' Battalion Cavy until surrender at Gainesville, AL.

219. Lott M Wilder Opelika, AL. b. 4th May 1826 9 miles east of Troy, (Pike Co) AL. Private 1862 at Guinea Station, VA in Co D, 5th AL Infty until 2nd April 1865. Captured at Petersburg, VA. Carried to Point Lookout, MD. Paroled 23 June 1865.

220. Boling W Williams Opelika, AL. b. 16 June 1837 at Chambers Co., AL. Private April 1861 at Tuskegee, AL in Co C, 3rd AL Infty until paroled at Appomattox on 9th April 1865. Has parole and furlough granted from Army of N. Virginia.

221. John Wesly Williams Opelika, AL. b. Dec 19, 1831 at Tazewell, (Marion Co) GA. Private (afterwards Commissary of Clayton's Brigade) May 1861 at Opelika, AL in Capt Flournoy's Co, 45 AL Infty Regt until promoted Commissary Clayton's Brigade. Paroled at Meridian, MS after surrender.

222. William W Williams Opelika, AL. b. "Not remembered." Supposed to be 69 years old now Oct 15, 1907. Born Overton Co., TN. Private 1861 at Nashville, TN Co B, 8th TN Infty Regt until the surrender of the army. Wounded in foot at Battle of Chickamauga.

223. Warren Williams Phenix, AL. b. 26 Oct 1848 Dudleyville, (Tallapoosa Co) AL. 1st Corporal Oct 1864 DeKalb Co, GA. in Co H, 2nd GA Reserved until close of war.

224. Henry J R Williams Opelika, AL. b. July 18, 1831 near Griffin, (then Henry Co) GA. Private April 1862 at Montgomery, AL in Co B, 20th AL Infty Regt until surrender of Johnson's Army at Bentonville, NC in April 1865. Was Segt in Couriers.

225. Thomas Fletcher Williamson Opelika, AL. b. Jan'y 12, 1841 Hayneville, (Lownds Co) AL. Private March 1862 at Auburn, AL in Co D, 37th AL until close of war April 9, 1865.

226. Jefferson H Williamson Opelika, AL. b. Mar 27, 1838 at Chambers Co., AL. 1st Lieut April 11, 1862 at Brannon's Store, AL in Co F, 33 AL until wounded at Jonesboro, GA. March 1865.

227. William H Wilson Loachapoka, AL. b. Sept 11, 1840 Paris, (Henry Co) TN. Private May 20, 1861 at Paris, TN. in Co C, 5th TN Regt until May 1865. Paroled at Montgomery, AL.

228. John C Winslett Opelika, AL. b. April 29, 1846 Opelika, (Lee Co) AL. Private November 1863 at Opelika, AL. "Don't recollect company." Capt Doud until close of war.

229. Roland B Wright Opelika, AL. b. July 21, 1840 near Liberty Bedford, VA. Private 22 Feby 1862 at Opelika, AL. in Co B, 45th AL Infty Regt until close of war. Was wounded at the Battle of Franklin, TN.

230. Thomas L. Young Phenix, AL. b. Dec 7, 1856 Upson County, GA. Private May 1862 at Columbus, GA in Co I, 3 GA Regt Cavy until Dec 1863. Transferred to Co K, 46th GA Infty until close of war.

231. Charles Wm Zuber Auburn, AL. b. 13 Nov 1846 Oak Mountain, (Harris Co) GA. Private June 1, 1846 at Notasulga, AL in Co C, 2nd AL Reserves and afterwards 63 AL Regt until close of war. Paroled at Meridian, MS.

232. Joshua C Condon Opelika, AL. b. Sept 11, 1839 Macon, (Bibb Co) GA. Private in Ordinance Dept Spring 1862 at Atlanta, GA. In the Ordinance Department until Sherman's Army entered Atlanta. Re-enlisted as Private Spring 1864 at Columbus, GA in Capt. Pole Roberts' Co. until April 1865. (Letter of company and regiment number not remembered.) Paroled at Augusta, GA.

233. James I Copeland Salem, AL. b. Feb 27, 1839 Calhoun Co., GA. 2nd Segt 16th Mar 1861 at Canton, GA in Co F, 1st Segt GA Regulars. Paroled at Greensboro, NC after surrender.

234. Thomas L Kennedy Opelika, AL. b. Dec 14, 1831 in Harris Co., GA. Capt Commissary May 1861 at Montgomery, AL in 6th Ala Inft Regt until resigned in less than a year. Re-enlisted as Private in QM Dept at Columbus, GA in the QM Dep. under Maj. Dillard as stated below. Re-enlisted as Asst. Supt. Nito's (?) Dept. at Mobile, AL until surrender at Mobile.

235. Leonidus J McGehee Opelika, AL. b. March 1. 1833 Harris Co., GA. Private Spring 1863 at Hamilton, GA in Co C, 46th Regt GA Infty. Discharged at Jackson, MS at close of war.


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